My birthday is September 14th, but I started feeling special the beginning of the month and didn't stop until the end. I feel EXTRA important the actual day of my birthday. I LOVE LOVE LOVE birthdays. Not just my own, but birthdays in general. If ever informed of some one's birthday, I will often respond with, "It's your birthday?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" with a ginormous heartfelt grin on my face. Birthdays are significant. They mark the day you were born. The day you became a person. The day you entered the world. The beginning of your life. When someone wishes you a Happy Birthday, how can it not validate your existence? When I say it, I mean "I'm happy you were born," and more often than not, "I think you're pretty fabulous."
I turned 28 last month. Not sure what 28 is supposed to feel like, but to me it feels pretty damn fabulous. I have much to be thankful for. Receiving a heartfelt voicemail from a dear friend that day brought tears to my eyes thinking of all my blessings.
Rob surprised me with lobster. Umm, hello I love this man. When you're a Mainer, nothing says HOME or (in our family) LOVE, like real Maine lobsters thrashing at you angrily as their lives are about to end for your dining pleasure. It was a perfect gift and made me happy in so many ways.
The cake was made for me by my pal Deb off MMMM cakes, PLUG. It was chocolate cake with a white chocolate frosting and pink fondant polka dots (perfect for plucking off one by one for a birthday-tastic naptime treat for Mommy). By the time Rob got home from work, it looked like it had seen a flock of pecky seagulls. No, just me and my anxious little fingers. Unfortunately we didn't have the correct candles, but using a 7 and a 1 to represent the 8 suited me just fine. It was a yummy yum yum cake, just perfect for me.
My birthday was lovely. It was an ordinary day in my extraordinarily blessed life. I can only hope I have same enthusiasm and joie de vivre for many birthday celebrations to come.
actually, it was pink chocolate - which tastes much better than fondant IMHO.
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