Sunday, January 24, 2010

belly full of ugh, uterus full of baby

I am 19ish weeks worth of pregnant. Almost halfway there. Sweet Lord, I am almost halfway there!! It has been too long since my last posting, but I will try to fill in the blanks. Things have improved, tremendously. My days are no longer spent living in the bathroom interfacing with the toilet. Vomiting doesn't happen every day, but on occasion my meals are launched into the the white porcelain bowl of disposal. This is great improvement, but does still leave room for advancement in my opinion.
My digestive system may no longer be on life support, but it still feels very much like it resides in the ICU. The slightest altercation or incident can lead to evacuation at a moment's notice. The tummy is always slightly nauseated, an ever present sour taste, and there is an overall feeling of "ick". I'm not one to complain, yeah right! I am one to complain, so my opinion of pregnancy remains the same. It is a giant load of suck.
With these improvements, I have been giving Zofran tablets another try. While they do not cure all, they can allow me to keep dinner and just scrape by with an upset stomach for the evening. However, Zofran is like the off-switch of my lower intestines. Halts the process, full stop. This leaves me having to "facilitate" what mother nature usually handles quite well. I feel like a hostage negotiator with my bowels. This often leaves me wondering if it was worth the pea size tablet I dissolved on my tongue a mere few nights before. The jury is still out with this one.
Most importantly, my outlook has changed. I still do my fair share of complaining (and then some) but I am starting to believe I may just survive this. I am also no longer paranoid that these efforts surviving pregnancy will be in vain. Whenever I hear the heartbeat roaring back at me like it belongs to a line-backer instead of my fetus, I realize that I am the one on survival mode and this child is kicking my ass from the inside out. It is oddly reassuring and leaves me with a smile on my queasy little face.
